Roses are red Richelon wax is the right choice for You

Roses are red Richelon wax is the right choice for you.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and , For beautiful soft hands and legs use only Richelon Wax. Choices and decisions are the most daunting as a teenager .

Skin care is a big challenge as hormones are raging and running amok .Its important to understand the skin type and follow a routine accordingly.

Choosing the right product at this stage is very essential as the skin is changing from baby toyouth. Waxing becomes a big essential as hair growth changes and so does your need for a smooth healthy skin. Our endeavor is to answer some of the most dreaded queries

What kind of wax should I use?

Richelon Rose Wax is one of the leading choices of the young teens for their waxing needs. Rose wax helps calm your skin , its anti- inflammatory properties help with redness that arises post waxing. Rose oil helps reduce pain making the waxing experience trouble free. Rose oil leaves you with glowing moisturized hands and legs. Rose wax is painless and is made with natural ingredients .

What is the best age or time for my first wax?

As per beauty industry experts 15 years and above is a good age for your first wax . A good time for waxing is soon after your period as the pain threshold is higher on those days

How do I prepare myself before my first waxing experience?

It is important remember the old saying No Pain No Gain . It will sting a little. It is advised to exfoliate before waxing. For your first time if there is long hair growth in the underarms it advised to trim it . Speak to your technician about your expectation or fears his or her experience will help ease your anxiety.

What Is A Pre Wax Cleanser Why Is It Essential?

Richelon Rose pre wax cleanser is recommended before every waxing to prepare the skin . Made with Rose extract it helps remove dirt and bacteria . Using Rose pre wax preps the skin for discomfort. Rose fragrance is known to reduce stress and calm the senses.

Celebrate your teenage and make the right choice by choosing the right kind of products for your skin . To enjoy your first waxing treat visit our partner salons and get treated to a painless smooth waxing experience.