Brazilian Reasons For A Brazilian Wax

Brazilian Reasons For A Brazilian Wax

In ancient Greece ,Rome , Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey & Persia a full wax was a part of the pre wedding ceremonies. Sugar and lemon paste was used to perform a full wax. In 1987 seven Brazilian sisters opened a salon in Manhattan , New York introducing the idea and technique of pubic hair removal now known as the famous “Brazilian Wax”.

What is Brazilian Wax?

A Brazilian Wax removes hair from your pubic line or bikini line , top ,side front those hard to reach back areas and the landing strip. Your complete exposed vaginal area .

Do I need to wax it why not just shave?

Waxing is recommended as it removes hair from follicle and ensure a smooth and nourished skin. When waxed it take upto three weeks before regrowth . Brazilian wax is best left to be done by professionals it ensure you can just put your legs up and let them take over. Shaving feels very convenient as you can do it in the shower and on the go . Shaving doesn’t last and you will have to do it as often as in 3 or 4 days. Ingrowth is a big con of shaving. As with shaving anywhere one has to be mindful of cuts and razor burns .

Brazilian Wax That’s Worth It!!

Richelon’s Activated Charcoal and Sparking Amber Hard wax Cubes make the waxing experience comfortable hygienic and convenient. Made with natural ingredients it helps with reducing hair growth and makes the process practically painless. The wax comes in cube form which ensures hygiene which is a must for a bikini wax. A required portion can be heated and used ensuring it’s personal to YOU.

Sparkling Amber is formulated by transparent gold and a perfect combination of essential oils. It leaves your skin smooth & nourished with a glided glow .

Activated Charcoal helps remove toxins that clog the pores. The natural ingredients help remove excess oil and dirt and detan the skin.

It leaves the skin nourished and younger .

Prep & Prepare!

It is very essential that you first prepare yourself mentally for the waxing experience. Seek professional advice with your technician as it is one of the most sensitive and private aspect of your body. Get comfortable with the idea of exposing the area for a wax.

Exfoliate 24 hours before the appointment . Exfoliating your skin removes any dead skin and ingrown hair growth breakage during waxing.

Richelon Pre Wax Rose Cleanser removes any dirt , excessive oil and perspiration to ensure a hassle free hygienic waxing experience.

After care is a must

As much as you will love your smooth fresh skin you have to take care as hair will grow again. Yes it will be some weeks away , but ensuring an even smoother experience after care is a must.

Moisturise daily . Exfoliate atleast once a week . Washing and keeping the intimate are dry and clean reduces itchiness when the regrowth begins.

Brazil lalalala Yes that’s what the heart sings when it’s done right.

Go get yourself waxed before the heat of April summer makes you sweaty and itchy . There are Brazilian Reasons to Wax . Book your appointment soon.